Reading Resolutions 2017


I hope you are all fit and well this 1st January 2017 – how long is it going to take getting used to writing that date on everything?! – happy to report no sore head here.  The benefit of not being a drinker!  Tea was as hardcore as I got last night!! I know how to party!

So with a new year, comes a time for new resolutions of the bookish variety!  Have just set my 2017 GoodReads Challenge for the forthcoming year and have added a target of 150 books. Considering I ended up reading 206 books last year, then I’m hoping it wasn’t just a fluke and I can keep the momentum up! Thankfully the reading slump that I had over Christmas was broken yesterday so watch out books… I’m coming to get you!!

Now for the reading resolutions!!  Just a few little things to keep me on the straight and narrow reading wise for the year ahead!

1.  Be More Organised!!  Goes for the whole of my life I think, but I need to make more of an effort on the book front as many a time I’ve doubled up on books bought, or missed publication date releases for reviews so I’ve bought a nice cheap calendar so I can write release dates on (for NetGalley and ARC’s received) in the hope that it will help me focus and decide on what to read next!  And next on my list is to catalogue all the books on my shelves – ooh I sense an excuse to buy a nice new shiny notebook! – and then pop that in my handbag whenever I’m out and about so that can become my book oracle!

2. Read more Non-fiction!  I don’t know why I’ve always shied away from reading this genre as I do love a good documentary on TV and have become more obsessed with history as I get older, so the aim is to start reading a few books on a variety of subjects. There definitely seems to be more choice of subjects I’m interested in nowadays – sounds like another good excuse to add to the bookshelves if you ask me! SShhh don’t tell anybody!!

3.  The ultimate BookWorm Problem!!  I know I can never STOP buying books as I’m in too deep now in my bookish obsession! But I do know that I need to buy less impulse books just for the sake of having it – I do buy a lot from charity shops already so will continue to explore those for rare treats, but I must try to stop all the other purchases! Normally after watching BookTube videos as the BookTubers I watch make them all sound so good! Time to make lists I think for present ideas and head to the library a lot more!!

4.  We all know the feeling when you are loving a book but you are scared to read on as it means you are closer to the end.  Conversely, I have found myself carrying on and finishing a book that I’m not enjoying just because! I need to stop wasting precious reading time on books that don’t make my heart sing as life is too short!  Not every book is meant for every reader so just because others enjoyed it, doesn’t mean that I am going to! So it isn’t failing if you DNF a book – move on! There are too many good books out there to waste time on the bad ones!

5.  Basically I must never stop enjoying reading! A simple resolution but I think it is something that can be lost especially if you are a reviewer/blogger with deadlines and publication dates approaching.  Everything becomes a chore! But I know I love reading as it is a way of escape and not dealing with reality, so the moment that it stops being that then there is no point!  So I will read old favourites again if the mood grabs me and I will not feel guilty! So there!!

Think that’s enough to keep me smiling and enjoying the whole world of books for another year!!  Have you made any bookish resolutions?! Would love to hear if you have and wish you luck with them too!